英語と歴史を同時に学ぶ 「史実を世界に発信する会」の英訳教科書 10

長崎市五島町にある羅針塾 学習塾・幼児教室 https://rashinjyuku.com/wp では、塾生に辞書の活用法を身に付けて欲しいと考えています。惜しむらくは、現在の小・中学・高校生が普段使いするような辞書には、掲載されていない漢字や熟語があることです。そのときには、様々工夫をして調べるようにしています。





『新しい歴史教科書』(新版・中学社会)(自由社)英訳シリーズ その8-第4章「近代の日本と世界(I)―幕末から明治時代」http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_2/Chapter%204%20Section%203,%204.pdf

Topic 60 – The Meiji Constitution and the foundation of a constitutional state

What principles were enshrined within the Meiji Constitution?

The promulgation of the Meiji Constitution
 On February 11, 1889 (Meiji 22), the Meiji Constitution, officially titled the Constitution of the Great Japanese Empire, was promulgated. On that day, raucous festivities took place throughout Tokyo, even though the city was still blanketed by the snowfall of the previous night. Celebratory gunfire rang out, costumed revelers went on parade, and floats snaked their way through the streets.

The Meiji Constitution affirms in its first articles that the Emperor reigns over Japan. However, the government’s actual policies were to be enacted in accordance with the advice of the Emperor’s ministers, and the Emperor himself bore no political responsibilities.*1 The Meiji Constitution obligated all Japanese subjects to pay taxes and serve in the military, but guaranteed their rights to freedom of speech, assembly, association, residence, movement, and religion within the bounds of the law. Japanese subjects also had the right to vote for members of the House of Representatives in free elections. The enactment of budgets or laws required the consent of the national assembly, which was called the Diet. The Diet was composed of two houses: the popularly elected House of Representatives and the House of Peers, which included both peers and other distinguished men, such as scholars or bureaucrats, who were appointed by the Emperor.

*1=This concept is contained within Article 3 of the Meiji Constitution, stating that, “The Emperor is sacred and inviolable.” This article meant that the Emperor could not be held responsible for political decisions, but the implication of it was that the Emperor held no right to make political decisions.

60  大日本帝国憲法と立憲国家
*1 憲法の第3条が、その条文にあたる。条文の意味は、天皇に政治責任を問うことはできないというもので、その裏には、天皇は政治的決定権を持たないという意味を含んでいた。

大日本帝国憲法の発布(左図) と 憲法発布式桜田之景(右図)


左図 大日本帝国憲法の発布 1889(明治22年)2月11日、前年10月に完成したばかりの皇居新宮殿で、天皇が憲法原本を総理大臣の黒田清隆に手渡した。(東京憲政記念館蔵)

右図 憲法発布式桜田之景 祝賀の観兵式に臨む天皇を乗せた馬車が、皇居を出るところを描いており、周囲では憲法の誕生を祝う人々が、お祭り騒ぎを繰り広げている。(東京都立中央図書館蔵)

A Constitution Praised Inside and Outside Japan

At the time that the Meiji Constitution was proclaimed, it garnered praise even from stridently anti-government newspapers that described it as “truly commendable” and “far better than what we expected”. Once the Meiji Constitution was translated and sent abroad, it elicited a similar response in other countries. One British newspaper wrote that, “There is something romantic about this deliberate establishment of a Parliamentary Constitution in an Eastern land. It is a tremendous experiment.” The most praiseworthy aspect of the Meiji Constitution, according to one British scholar, was the moderation upon which it was founded as demonstrated by its respect for time-honored history and traditions. Furthermore, a German legal theorist commended Japan’s leaders for their wisdom in dividing the national assembly into a popularly elected lower chamber (the House of Representatives) and an appointed upper chamber (the House of Peers) on the grounds that the lower houses of other countries were apt to favor extreme solutions and become a source of social unrest. To check the rash behavior of the lower house, he argued, it was necessary to have an upper house consisting of conscientious men who care deeply about the national interest. 







The Major Articles of the Meiji Constitution

“Article 1. The Empire of Japan shall be reigned over and governed by a line of Emperors unbroken for ages eternal.”

“Article 3. The Emperor is sacred and inviolable.”

“Article 4. The Emperor is the head of the Empire, combining in Himself the rights of sovereignty, and exercises them, according to the provisions of the present Constitution.”

“Article 5. The Emperor exercises the legislative power with the consent of the Imperial Diet.”

“Article 11. The Emperor has the supreme command of the Army and Navy.”

“Article 20. Japanese subjects are amenable to service in the Army or Navy, according to the provisions of law. “

“Article 29. Japanese subjects shall, within the limits of law, enjoy the liberty of speech, writing, publication, public meetings and associations.”

“Article 55. (1) The respective Ministers of State shall give their advice to the Emperor, and be responsible for it. (2) All Laws, Imperial Ordinances, and Imperial Rescripts of whatever kind, that relate to the affairs of the State, require the countersignature of a Minister of State.”

“Article 57. (1) The Judicature shall be exercised by the Courts of Law according to law, in the name of the Emperor.”



第1条 大日本帝国は万世一系の天皇これを統治す

第3条 天皇は神聖にして侵すべからず

第4条 天皇は国の元首にして統治権を総攬し、この憲法の条規によりこれを行ふ

第5条 天皇は帝国議会の協賛をもって立法権を行ふ

第11条 天皇は陸海軍を統帥す

第20条 日本臣民は法律の定むる所に従い兵役の義務を有す

第29条 日本臣民は法律の範囲内において言論著作印行集会および結社の自由を有す

第55条 ①国務各大臣は天皇を輔弼しその責めに任ず


第57条 ①司法権は天皇の名において法律により裁判所これを行ふ



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  3. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室・学習塾 羅針塾では、学びの初めは「…
  4. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室 学習塾羅針塾です…
  5. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室 学習塾羅針塾です…


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