英語と歴史を同時に学ぶ 「史実を世界に発信する会」の英訳教科書 3

長崎市五島町にある羅針塾 学習塾・幼児教室 https://rashinjyuku.com/wp では、塾生の体調を把握しながら、学習に取り組ませます。何よりも健康第一。大人も同様ですね。


『新しい歴史教科書』(新版・中学社会)(自由社)英訳シリーズ Chapter3の英和対訳部分からの引用です。http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_2/Chapter%203%20Section%201,%202.pdf


Topic 32 – Europe’s global expansion

 What led the peoples of Europe to begin to explore the world?

32 ヨーロッパ人の世界進出 


The Christian world and the Muslim world

In the Christian world of medieval Europe, the Catholic Church, led by the Pope in Rome, wielded tremendous power. At the same time, Arab Muslims were embarking on a wave of expansion and by the eighth century extended their control across the Mediterranean region from Western Asia to the Iberian Peninsula. In medieval times, the nations of the Muslim world were considerably more militarily, technologically, and culturally advanced than the Christian world.

Despite this, Christian forces succeeded by the late-fifteenth century in driving the Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula, which was then transformed into the Christian nations of Spain and Portugal.

At the start of the sixteenth century, German priest Martin Luther and others criticized the Catholic Church’s corruption and founded a reformist movement, in that individuals seek God directly through the Bible, without reliance on the Church hierarchy. This was called the Reformation and its supporters were called Protestants.1 The sudden rise of the Protestants shocked the Catholic Church, which launched its own internal reform movement. The Church founded the Society of Jesus,2 whose members were known as Jesuits, and made aggressive efforts to proselytize overseas.

*1=The Church of Rome was called the Catholic Church, meaning “universal church”, while the reformers were dubbed Protestants, meaning “those who protest”.

*2=The Society of Jesus, founded by Spaniard Ignatius of Loyola and six others, was one of the Catholic Church’s male religious orders. After receiving official recognition from the Pope, the Jesuits set up a base in Goa, India, and started missions across Asia.









The Age of Discovery

In the late-fifteenth century, Spain and Portugal commenced national efforts to expand overseas. Their desire to import goods from the East had been stymied by the naval might of Muslim countries, such as the Ottoman Empire, which held sway over the Mediterranean Sea. In Europe at that time, spices like pepper were in high demand as seasoning for meat, and though they could be bought from Arab merchants, they came at such a steep price that it was said that a gram of gold could purchase only a gram of pepper. Spain and Portugal wanted new trade routes to India where they could buy pepper directly.

Portugal attempted to find a sea route to India by sailing southwards along the west coast of Africa. By contrast, Spain sent Italian Christopher Columbus on a journey across the Atlantic Ocean as far west as he could go. The Age of Discovery began, and before long the Europeans were actively seeking to colonize Asia itself.




Spain and Portugal’s plan to partition the world

In 1492, Columbus arrived in the islands of the West Indies. Europe had “discovered” the Americas. Because Columbus was convinced that he had reached India, the indigenous peoples of North America continue to this day to be called “Indians”. Two years later, in 1494, Portugal and Spain, after intercession by Pope Alexander VI, signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, in that Spain and Portugal would divide the world into two hemispheres based on a line running down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. According to the terms of the treaty, all lands discovered in the Eastern Hemisphere would belong to the King of Portugal, whereas the lands discovered in the Western Hemisphere would belong to the King of Spain.

In 1498, Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama opened a new sea route to India by rounding the Cape of Good Hope on the southern tip of Africa and traveling along Africa’s east coast north to India.




・・・筆者は十代の頃世界史を独習している際に、ローマ教皇が世界を二分割するという傲慢さに憤慨した記憶があります。また、 Europe had “discovered” the Americas.という表現も、アメリカ大陸に従来から住む人々に対し失礼な表現です。時代とはいえ、力を持った者が全てを奪うという図式は、長い間非キリスト教・非白人国家を苦しめています。






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  1. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室 学習塾羅針塾です…
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  3. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室・学習塾 羅針塾では、日々の学びの中…
  4. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室 学習塾羅針塾です…
  5. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室 学習塾羅針塾です…


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