英語と歴史を同時に学ぶ 「史実を世界に発信する会」の英訳教科書 6

長崎市五島町にある羅針塾 学習塾・幼児教室 https://rashinjyuku.com/wp では、しっかりと聞き取ることができる態度を身につけて欲しいと考えています。例えば、論語の素読を行う際に、耳を澄まして集中する塾生さんは的確に音読で返してくれます。これは、幼児さんであれ、高学年の塾生であれ、基本は同じです。意味は判らずとも、聞こえる「音」をそのまま返すことができるのも、一つの才能です。




『新しい歴史教科書』(新版・中学社会)(自由社)英訳シリーズ Section 3の英和対訳部分からの引用です。http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_2/Chapter%204%20Section%203,%204.pdf


Section 3 – Constitutionalism and the wars with China and Russia


Topic 58 – The struggle to revise the unequal treaties


What strategies did Japan employ in order to renegotiate the unequal treaties signed with the Western powers during the final years of the shogunate?


The problem of the unequal treaties


The treaties that the shogunate signed with the Western powers in its final years were humiliating to the Japanese people due to the unequal terms they forced upon Japan. Firstly, any foreign national who committed a crime against a Japanese person was tried, not in a Japanese court, but in a consular court set up by the nation of the accused criminal.1 Secondly, Japan lost the right, just as many other Asian countries had, to set its own import tariffs. The Japanese people of the Meiji period yearned to end this legal discrimination imposed by the Western powers, and revision of the unequal treaties became Japan’s foremost diplomatic priority.

*1=The exclusive right held by foreign countries to try their own citizens in consular courts for crimes committed against Japanese people was referred to as the right of consular jurisdiction, which was a form of extraterritoriality.



In 1872 (Meiji 5), the Iwakura Mission attempted to discuss the revision of the unequal treaties with the United States, but was rebuffed on the grounds that Japan had not reformed its legal system, particularly its criminal law.


For this reason, Japan set aside the issue of consular jurisdiction and made recovery of its tariff autonomy the focal point of its bid to revise the unequal treaties. Though the United States agreed to this, the ensuing negotiations ultimately failed due to the opposition of Great Britain and France. However, in 1877 (Meiji 10), a group of British merchants were caught smuggling the narcotic opium into Japan and were arraigned before a consular court. The British consul ruled that their deeds were not treaty violations, as the opium was being imported for medicinal purposes. This unjust decision outraged the people of Japan and convinced the Meiji Government to switch the emphasis of the negotiations back to the abolition of consular jurisdiction.




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  1. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室・学習塾 羅針塾では、素読に実語教を…
  2. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室 学習塾羅針塾です…
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