英語と歴史を同時に学ぶ 「史実を世界に発信する会」の英訳教科書 7

長崎市五島町にある羅針塾 学習塾・幼児教室 https://rashinjyuku.com/wp では、「てにをは」の使い方を幼児期からしっかりと教えていく必要があると考えています。



『新しい歴史教科書』(新版・中学社会)(自由社)英訳シリーズ Section 3の英和対訳部分からの引用です。http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_2/Chapter%204%20Section%203,%204.pdf


Rokumeikan Hall and the Normanton Incident

In 1883 (Meiji 16), the government constructed a Western-style building in Hibiya, Tokyo, called Rokumeikan Hall, which was to be the site of many lively dance parties to which foreigners were always invited. The objective was to use these parties to show the world that Japan was a civilized country like the Western powers and thus promote the cause of treaty revision. In 1886 (Meiji 19), the Normanton Incident, a case of serious criminal negligence on the part of a British sea captain, again highlighted the need for treaty revision.(*2)The consular court examining the case gave the captain of the Normanton a light sentence of just three months imprisonment, which further inflamed Japanese public opinion.




*2=The British steamship Normanton sank off the coast of Wakayama during a rainstorm. Though the British captain and his crew escaped on lifeboats, all twenty-five of the Japanese passengers were abandoned on board and perished at sea.


Treaty revision: The fruit of forty years of effort

Japan remained undeterred in its quest to gain equality with the Western powers in spite of their continuing rejection of treaty revision. One of the reasons that Japan promulgated the Meiji Constitution in 1889 (Meiji 22) was to further the treaty revision process.

Over time, Japan’s progress towards modernization was recognized by Great Britain, then the world’s most powerful country. With the additional motivation of countering the expansion of its rival Russia into East Asia, Britain reached out to Japan and signaled its willingness to negotiate the subject of treaty revision. Foreign Minister Mutsu Munemitsu, who was in charge of the negotiations with Great Britain, successfully concluded the landmark Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation in 1894 (Meiji 27), just prior to the start of the First Sino-Japanese War. According to the terms of this agreement, Great Britain renounced extraterritoriality in exchange for the right of its citizens to freely live, travel, and conduct business in Japan. After Japan’s subsequent triumph in the First Sino-Japanese War, many other countries, including the United States, followed suit and also abolished consular jurisdiction. Tariff autonomy took longer to regain, coming only after Japan defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese War. In 1911 (Meiji 44), Japan struck a deal with the United States to allow Japan to set its own tariffs, finally ending the campaign to revise the unequal treaties that had been set in motion forty years earlier by the Iwakura Mission.




An Excerpt from Foreign Minister Mutsu Munemitsu’s Speech to the Diet on Treaty Revision (1893)

“The goal of treaty reform, or more accurately the goal of Japanese diplomacy, is to receive the rights befitting of every nation and carry out those duties to which every nation ought to commit itself. That is to say, the Empire of Japan, though located in Asia, wishes to receive special treatment from the Western powers beyond that which they have afforded to the other nations of Asia. Since that is the case, Japan must introduce domestic policies different from those of other Asian nations and the Japanese people must also demonstrate a unique spirit of enterprise beyond that of other Asian peoples.”

(Mutsu was emphasizing the implications of opening up the country and allowing foreigners to travel and work freely within Japan in exchange for the abolition of extraterritoriality.)





The Achievement of Mutsu Munemitsu

While serving as Resident Envoy to the United States and Mexico, Mutsu Munemitsu entered talks with the government of Mexico and negotiated a trade treaty in 1888. This was the first equal treaty Japan had signed with any nation outside of Asia. It affirmed tariff autonomy and granted consular jurisdiction to both parties. This achievement formed the basis for Japan’s later success at revising its treaties with the Western powers.



・・・筆者の中学生の頃、教科書は異なりますが、このような記述を読んだ時、欧米諸国との不平等条約の改正、にどれほどの苦心惨憺があったのだろうか、と考えたものでした。その後、様々な書物に触れる内に、時代背景や国際関係、国際金融、軍事力(power of balance)など様々な事柄が複雑に絡み合っているものを、一つ一つ解きほぐすかのように解決していった事が分かり、日本の先人達の努力に頭が下がる思いがします。現在の日本人である子供達にも、年代に応じて解説してあげれば、先見性や洞察力を涵養することになると考えます。

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