英語と歴史を同時に学ぶ 「史実を世界に発信する会」の英訳教科書 20

長崎市五島町にある羅針塾 学習塾・幼児教室 https://rashinjyuku.com/wp では、夏休み期間の講習が始まりました。幼稚園・保育園から小学校へ、小学校から中学校へ、中学校から高校へと進学した際の最初の夏休みを有効活用できるかは、その後の成績の伸びに直結します。お母さん方の動機づけと励ましが大事です。

さて、「英語と歴史を同時に学ぶ」シリーズです。第4章 近代の日本と世界(1) 幕末から明治時代 第1節 欧米諸国のアジア進出 の続きになります。http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_2/Chapter%204%20Section%201,%202.pdf


Topic 51 – The Satcho Alliance and restoration of imperial rule

How did the Edo shogunate come to an end?

The Satcho Alliance and movement to overthrow the shogunate

In 1863 (Bunkyu 3), the shogunate purged the Imperial Court of Choshu influence and the extremist court nobles backing the sonno joi movement. It then attempted to bolster its authority by setting up a leadership coalition with the most powerful domains, including Satsuma and Aizu (modern-day Fukushima Prefecture). The next year, Choshu attempted to regain its power by instigating a rebellion in Kyoto, but it was defeated by the shogunate. This was known as the Imperial Palace Gate Incident.

The shogunate followed up by attacking Choshu with a military force led by allied daimyo. The shogunate was victorious in the First Choshu Expedition, and Satsuma replaced Choshu as the dominant influence on the Imperial Court.

Nonetheless, the shogunate’s success was short-lived, as Takasugi Shinsaku refused to accept Choshu’s decision to capitulate. Together with Kido Takayoshi, he launched a rebellion against the government of his domain and restored the anti-shogunate forces to power. Choshu once again became a thorn in the shogunate’s side. Meanwhile, in Satsuma, Saigo Takamori and Okubo Toshimichi were exercising de-facto control of the domain. Having learned from the Anglo-Satsuma War, they focused on acquiring superior weaponry by cultivating close ties with the British.

In 1866 (Keio 2), Sakamoto Ryoma, a samurai from Tosa Domain (modern-day Kochi Prefecture), brought Saigo Takamori of Satsuma together with Kido Takayoshi of Choshu and impressed upon them the need for Japan to become a strong, unified nation-state that could resist the depredations of foreign nations. Though Satsuma and Choshu had been bitter enemies up to then, Sakamoto urged them to put aside their differences and form an alliance. Thanks to the resulting Satcho Alliance, Choshu was able to acquire state-of-the-art weaponry from Satsuma and to use it to decisively defeat the shogunate’s Second Choshu Expedition. Choshu and Satsuma then secretly agreed to work together to destroy the Edo shogunate. Thus, the sonno joi movement evolved into a campaign to overthrow the shogunate.



51 薩長同盟と王政復古











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  2. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室 学習塾羅針塾です…
  3. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室・学習塾 羅針塾では、学びの初めは「…
  4. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室 学習塾羅針塾です…
  5. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室 学習塾羅針塾です…


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