英語と歴史を同時に学ぶ 「史実を世界に発信する会」の英訳教科書 21

長崎市五島町にある羅針塾 学習塾・幼児教室 https://rashinjyuku.com/wp では、夏休み期間中の塾生の海・山・旅の体験談を聞かせて貰うことがあります。子供の頃の体験は新鮮です。長じてからも、ふとした時に思い出すような様々な経験を沢山して欲しいものです。




さて、「英語と歴史を同時に学ぶ」シリーズから、「もっと知りたいコラム」をご紹介です。(『新しい歴史教科書』(新版・中学社会)(自由社)英訳シリーズ その11)http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_2/Chapter-5-Section-2.pdf

I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT… The International Laws of War and War Crimes

Approaches to the international laws of war

Throughout our long history, human societies never stopped waging wars against one another due to conflicting national or ethnic interests, and these wars always occasioned horrible atrocities. Consequently, the idea came about to set international standards on how wars could legally be conducted. These rules are known as the international laws of war. One of the most influential treaties on the international laws of war was the Hague Land War Convention, signed in the Netherlands in 1907 (Meiji 40).

The killing or wounding of non-combatant civilians and mistreatment of soldiers taken prisoner are designated as war crimes and therefore illegal under the international laws of war. In addition, it is prohibited to arm civilians and have them participate in fighting without military uniforms. If non-uniformed combatants are captured, it is permissible to punish and even execute them as spies or guerrillas following legal proceedings.

The greatest war crime of the twentieth century

Unarmed civilians were targeted and slaughtered en masse in both the Battle of Okinawa and the indiscriminate bombing of major Japanese cities. It has been said that even one of the US B-29 pilots had questioned his commanding officer about whether the proposed Great Tokyo Air Raid of March 10, 1945 (Showa 20), was a violation of international law. During this attack, 100,000 people were burned alive in a single night. As for the atomic bombings, the number of people killed totaled over 200,000 in Hiroshima and over 70,000 in Nagasaki, and these victims were ordinary citizens. Whether measured by their human or material devastation, the atomic bombings could be fairly described as the greatest war crimes of the twentieth century.

The Siberian Internment

On August 9, Soviet forces overran Manchuria and Sakhalin in violation of the Japanese-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact. They were responsible for innumerable incidents of pillage, murder, and rape against Japanese civilians. Even after Japan’s surrender, the Soviet invasion continued. It was in September that the USSR completed its conquest of the Northern Territories, an integral part of Japan. What’s more, though the Potsdam Declaration stipulated that all Japanese prisoners were to be repatriated in short order, the USSR blatantly disregarded this condition and transported more than 600,000 Japanese civilians and POWs to sites in Siberia where they were made to do brutally hard labor and denied adequate meals. Among those Japanese interned in Siberia, the officially recorded deaths alone exceeded 60,000 people.

Because the Allied Powers were the victors of the war, none of their war crimes were prosecuted.

The war crimes of the Japanese military

The Japanese military was also responsible for the mistreatment and unlawful killing of captured enemy soldiers and unarmed civilians within the areas it occupied over the course of the war. The Allied Powers dealt severely with Japanese war criminals, sentencing nearly one thousand of them to death. However, there were some cases of Japanese soldiers having been wrongfully convicted and executed for crimes that they had not committed.




● 戦時国際法の考え方



● 20世紀最大の戦争犯罪


● シベリア抑留



● 日本軍の戦争犯罪





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  1. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室 学習塾羅針塾です…
  2. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室 学習塾羅針塾です…
  3. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室 学習塾羅針塾です…
  4. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室 学習塾羅針塾です…
  5. 長崎市江戸町にある難関大学・医学部を目指す幼児教室 学習塾羅針塾です…


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